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 Zero Discrimination Day 2020 celebrated on March 1

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On March 1,2020 Zero Discrimination is celebrated every year to challenge the discrimination faced by women & girls, to raise awareness & mobilize action to promote equality & empowerment for women & girls. The theme for this year is “Zero Discrimination against Women & Girls”.The symbol for this day is Butterfly.Zero Discrimination DayObjective of Zero Discrimination Day
The day is observed to ensure zero discrimination against women & girls & to promote the necessity of equal rights , opportunities & treatments.

Significance of Zero Discrimination Day
According to Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), at least 1 in 3 women & girls have experienced violence in their lives, with adolescent girls experiencing higher rates of intimate partner violence than adult women overall. In some countries more than 50% of women have reported violence in the past 12 months.

Key Facts

i.Some countries have made excellent progress towards gender equality, but still discrimination against women & girls  on Income, race, ethnicity, disability, Sexual orientation  & Gender identity continues.

ii.On one side many countries’ laws discriminate against women & girls, & on the other side, laws which must uphold women’s basic rights & protect them from harm & unequal treatment are far away from norm.

iii.In addition to this, inequality in domestic work, property & inheritance rights add up their burdens.

iv.Violence against women is deeply rooted in gender inequalities & is used as a tool for male to control over women.

Changes needed
Equal Participation in Political life, to uphold Human rights & laws that empower, to guarantee economic justice, to end gender based violence,to provide health care without stigma or barriers,to give free primary and secondary education to all & to fight for climate justice.

UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibe launched this day & since then it is celebrated on March 1 for the right of everyone to live a full & productive life with dignity.It was first celebrated in the year 2014.The day highlights to promote compassionate & peaceful environment & to create a global movement to end all forms of discrimination.

  • According to UNAIDS, The central idea to end HIV/AIDS is by fighting discrimination against women.
  • UNAIDS states that when women’s right is protected, discrimination is ended against women & girls, &  discriminatory laws are removed,  Sustainable development  goal can be achieved &, equity & equality to all. can be ensured.