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7th 2019 Global Terrorism Index: India 7th-most affected by terror attacks, Afghanistan 1st 

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On November 20, 2019 the Sydney (Australia) based Institute for Economics and Peace(IEP) released the 7th edition of its annual report titled “2019 Global Terrorism Index: Measuring the impact of terrorism”. As per the Index, India was ranked at the 7th place in the list of countries most affected by terrorism in 2018. The country which topped the list was Afghanistan with 7,379 killed due to terror attacks in 2018. Afghanistan’s Taliban terrorist group has been ranked first as the deadliest terror groups.India seventh-most affected by terror attacks in the 2019 - CopyThe other countries in the list include Iraq (2nd), Nigeria(3rd), Syria (4th), Pakistan(5th) and Somalia(6th).

Key Points:

Report on India: 

  • As of 2018, 350 Indians were killed and 540 injured in 748 terrorist incidents.
  • Since 2001, nearly 8,473 Indians were killed by terrorists. However, the death counts in 2018 was 10% lower than in 2017, and 53% lower than its peak in 2009.
  • The number of terrorist attacks however has increased by 14% over the same period, peaking in 2016 at over 900.
  • In 2018 alone, 69% of attacks had zero fatalities and 22% had one fatality.

Other general reports: 

  • Deadliest group: Afghanistan’s Taliban group alone accounted for 38% of deaths in 2018. Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) ranks second deadliest terror group while Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State is the third deadliest terror group. Boko Haram of Nigeria ranks fourth in the list.
  • India’s terrorist groups: The three most active terrorist groups in India includeHizbul Mujahideen, Jaish-e-Mohammad
  • (JeM) and Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT).
  • The report also stated that compared to other countries among ten most impacted, India faced wider range of terrorist groups with Islamist, communist and separatist group active in the country.
  • The fall in terrorism has also been accompanied by a reduction in the global economic impact of terrorism, decreasing by 38% to $33 billion in 2018.


Rank Most affected by Terrorism Most deadliest terrorist group
1AfghanistanTaliban (Afghanistan)
2IraqISIS (Iraq and Syria)
3NigeriaBoko Haram (Nigeria)

About Institute for Economics and Peace(IEP):

Founded- 2007.
Headquarters- Sydney, Australia.