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Biggest data breach by hackers in history

Names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of the holders of some 83 million households and small business accounts were exposed when computer systems at JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) were recently compromised by hackers, making it one of the biggest data breaches in history.

The people affected are mostly account holders, but may also include former account holders and others who entered their contact information at the bank’s online and mobile sites, according to a bank spokeswoman.

Still, JPMorgan advised customers on its website that it does not believe they need to change their passwords or account information.

According Bloomberg the attacks caused the disclosure of a huge amount of sensitive data, including checking and savings account information.

At the end of August, JPMorgan said it was working with U.S. law enforcement authorities to investigate a possible cyber attack. As with home break-ins, it can take victims of data attacks months to discover what, if anything, is missing.

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