World Soil Day 2023 – December 5

World Soil Day - December 05 2023The United Nations(UN)’s World Soil Day (WSD) is annually observed across the globe on 5th December to create awareness about the importance of healthy soil and to advocate the sustainable management of soil resources.

  • 5th December 2023 marks the observance of 10th WSD.


The theme of WSD 2023 is “Soil and water, a source of life”.

  • The theme highlights the crucial role of soil and water in sustaining life on Earth.


i.Initially, the observance of WSD was recommended by the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) in 2002.

ii.Under the leadership of the Kingdom of Thailand and within the framework of the “Global Soil Partnership”, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has supported the formal establishment of the World Soil Day as a global awareness raising platform.

iii.In 2013, the FAO Conference unanimously endorsed WSD and requested its official adoption at the 68th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

iv.On 20th December 2013, the UNGA adopted the resolution A/RES/68/232 and proclaimed the 5th December of every year as World Soil Day and declared the year ‘2015’ as the International Year of Soils.

  • The first ever WSD was observed on 5th December 2014.


On the occation of WSD 2023, the report on the Global Assessment of salt-affected soils was launched by FAO.

The report will be available in the six official languages of FAO.

Awards and Prize:

On the occassion of WSD 2023, FAO announced the winners of  King Bhumibol World Soil Day Award 2023 and Glinka World Soil Prize 2023.

King Bhumibol WSD Award:

i.The 6th Global Soil Partnership (GSP) Plenary Assembly approved the creation of the annual King Bhumibol World Soil Day Award (WSDA).

ii.The award honours individuals and/or institutions that have successfully organized events to commemorate World Soil Day the previous year.

iii.The Award is sponsored by the Kingdom of Thailand.

iv.The award carries a prize of USD 15,000 and a trip to Thailand to receive the recognition.

Glinka World Soil Prize:

i.The Prize is an annual award addressed to Global Soil Partnership members, individuals or organizations committed to solving acute national, regional or local problems of soil degradation.

ii.The Glinka World Soil Prize aims to keep up the momentum generated by the International Year of Soils 2015.

iii.The award includes a USD 15000 check and a Glinka gold-plated medal.

About Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO): 
Director-General– QU Dongyu
Headquarters– Rome, Italy
Founded in – 1945

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