World Hemophilia Day 2022 – April 17 

World Hemophilia Day 2022

World Hemophilia Day is annually observed across the globe on 17th April to create awareness about Hemophilia, a rare disorder in which the blood doesn’t clot since it does not have enough blood-clotting proteins (clotting factors).

The day is annually organised by the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH). 

17th April 2022 marks the observance of the 33rd World Hemophilia Day. 

The theme of World Hemophilia Day 2022 is “Access for All: Partnership. Policy. Progress. Engaging your government, integrating inherited bleeding disorders into national policy”.

Objective: To educate people with bleeding disorders and to promote improved medical treatment. 


i.World Hemophilia Day was created by the World Federation of Hemophilia(WFH) in 1989. 

ii.WFH chose 17th April as the date for the observance of World Hemophilia Day to commemorate the birth anniversary of Frank Schnabel, the founder of WFH. 

iii.The first-ever World Hemophilia Day was observed on 17th April 1989. 


On the occasion of World Hemophilia Day 2022, 110 landmarks around the world were illuminated in red to bring those affected by inherited bleeding disorders into the spotlight

About Hemophilia:

i.Hemophilia can lead to spontaneous bleeding as well as bleeding following injuries or surgery.

ii.Blood contains proteins called clotting factors that can help to stop bleeding. People with hemophilia have low levels of either factor VIII (8) or factor IX (9).

iii.The most common type of hemophilia is called hemophilia A (the person does not have enough clotting factor VIII) and the less common type is hemophilia B (the person does not have enough clotting factor IX).

About World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH):

WFH is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving and sustaining care for people with inherited bleeding disorders.
CEO– Alain Baumann
Headquarters- Montréal, Québec, Canada
Established in 1963

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