World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People 2023 – March 20

World Day of TheatreWorld Day of Theatre for Children and Young People is annually observed across the globe on March 20 to attract the attention of a wider public to the art of theatre for children and young people.

  • The day is a campaign led by the International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People (ASSITEJ International).
  • The day is promoted and celebrated through the message ‘Take a Child to the Theatre Today’.

World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People 2023:

i. On 20th March 2023, ASSITEJ recognised theatre and performance artists for young audiences as essential workers.

ii. The 1st ever World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People was observed on 20th March 2001.

Note: The goal of ASSITEJ is to unite theatres, organisations, and individuals throughout the world who make theatre for children and young people.


i. Theatre professionals for children and young people hold special events on World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People globally to promote theatre for young audiences in their respective countries and communities.

  • These artists make a difference in children’s lives wherever they are and have specialised knowledge of their target audiences.

ii. ASSITEJ International’s primary goals include unifying professionals from all over the world and enhancing opportunities for young people everywhere to experience what theatre and performance have to offer (the expression of emotion, the representation of the intangible, and the interpretation of a complex world).

World Performance Week 

i. World Performance Week is a concept initiated by ASSITEJ International in collaboration with other international associations working with different live performance-related art forms that celebrate their World Days from March 20 to March 27.

World Days between 20 and 27:

  • March 20th- ASSITEJ World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People
  • March 21st- UNIMA’s World Puppetry Day
  • March 22nd- World Mime Organisation’s World Mime Day
  • March 27th- ITI’s World Theatre Day


i. The Theatre is an ancient form of performing art that has existed for at least 2,500 years, but the history of theatre for Children and young people is commonly known as the Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA).

ii. Early in the 20th century, when the 1st dedicated theatres for children started to appear, TYA became a subgenre of theatre in its own right.

iii. Theatre for young audiences combines entertainment and education and explores a wide variety of essential themes and issues in age-appropriate ways.

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