World Car Free Day 2021 – September 22

World Car Free Day is annually observed across the globe on September 22 to encourage motorists across the globe to give up on their vehicles for a day and experience streets free of motor traffic.

The day also highlights the benefits of going car-free and adopting Alternative transportation such as walking, biking, public transportation, hybrid vehicle travel, and carpooling.


i.The Carfree days were observed in several European cities during the early 1990s.

ii.In Europe, International Car-free Day, a pilot project for the European Union’s “In Town Without My Car” was organised in 1999.

iii.The Carbusters (now World Carfree Network) and Adbusters Media Foundation launched and promoted the first Global Car-free day in 2000.

Why September 22?

i.September 22, was chosen to coincide with the European Mobility Week, sponsored by the European Union(EU).

ii.The European Mobility Week is annually observed from September 16th to 22nd.

Effects of pollution by transport:

i.Motorised transportation is the leading source of fossil fuel CO2 emissions, one of the major contributors to climate change.

ii.According to the World Health Organization(WHO), ambient air pollution has caused more than 4.2 million deaths in 2016.

iii.In India, diesel vehicles are responsible for around 66% of air pollution-related deaths.

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