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Speedy finding of Square of numbers near to its base (Part II)

Case 2: The numbers are more than its base.

The answer comes in Two parts. Always make sure that the number of digits in Second part is equal to the number of Zeroes in the base.

Square of 105

Base of 105 is 100. 105 is more than 100 by 5.

Step 1: 105 + 5 = 110.

Step 2: Square of 5 = 25

The Answer is 11025.

Square of 114

Step 1: 114 + 14 = 128

Step 2: 14 x 14 = 196

Answer 128 / 196 (Number of digits in Second part must be equal to the number of Zeros in its base. In this care carry over principle should be applied).

It becomes 129 / 96.

The Answer is 12996

Square of 1021

Step 1: 1021 + 21 = 1042.

Step 2: Square of 21 (21 x 21) = 441

The Answer is 1042441


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