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Reasoning Questions: Syllogism Set 14

Hello Aspirants. Welcome to Online Reasoning Section with explanation in Here we are creating Best question samples from Syllogism with explanation, which is common for  competitive exams. We have included Some questions that are asked in previous exams !!!

  1. All pencils are sharp.Some pencils are erasers.No erasers is a scale .
    I.All scale being pencils is a possibility.
    II.At least some pencils may be scales.
    1.if only conclusion I follows.
    2.if only conclusion II follows.
    3.if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.
    4.if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.
    5.if both conclusion I and conclusion II follow.
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 5.if both conclusion I and conclusion II follow.
    Explanation :
    No connection between scale and pencil hence possibility can exist
    From third statement only eraser cannot scale but pencil may be scale

  2. Some numbers are digits. All digits are fractions. No fraction is a ratio
    I.All numbers are ratio
    II.Atleast some fractions are numbers
    1.if only conclusion I follows.
    2.if only conclusion II follows.
    3.if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.
    4.if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.
    5.if both conclusion I and conclusion II follow.
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 2.if only conclusion II follows.
    Explanation :
    From all the statement Some numbers are ratio – I false
    From I and II => All+some = some – II true

  3. All metals are gold. All golds are Silver. Some Silvers are Platinum
    I.All gold being Platinum is a possibility
    II.Atleast some metals are platinum
    1.if only conclusion I follows.
    2.if only conclusion II follows.
    3.if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.
    4.if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.
    5.if both conclusion I and conclusion II follow.
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1.if only conclusion I follows.
    Explanation :
    possibility for all exist => I true
    Some+some = no conclusion => II false

  4. All books are files. No file is a diary. Some notes are books
    I.No book is a diary
    II.All files being notes is a possibility
    III.At least some notes are files
    1.If only I and II follow
    2.If only I and III follow
    3.If either I or III and II follow
    4.All I,II and III follow
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4.All I,II and III follow
    Explanation :
    All+no = no => I true
    I and III =>possibility exist and III true

  5. No fruit is a leaf. All plants are leaves. Some plants are nuts
    I.All nuts being leaves is a possibility
    II.All nuts are Plants
    III.At least some leaves are plants
    1.If only I and II follow
    2.If only I and III follow
    3.If either I or III and II follow
    4.All I,II and III follow
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 2.If only I and III follow
    Explanation :
    From II and III => possibility can exist.
    From III=>II false
    All plants are leaves = Some => III true

  6. Some Cars are buses. No train is a bus. Some trains are Vans
    I.Some vans are not bus
    II.Some cars are not trains
    III.All vans are trains is a possibility
    1.If only I and II follow
    2.If only I and III follow
    3.If either I or III and II follow
    4.All I,II and III follow
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4.All I,II and III follow
    Explanation :
    From II and III => some+no = some not = I true
    From I and II => Some +no = Some not = II true
    Some trains are Vans – possibility exist = III true

  7. Some mobiles are tabs. No PC is a tab. No keyboard is a mobile
    I.Some Tabs are not Keyboards
    II.All PCs are Keyboards
    III.No mobile is a PC
    1.If only I follow
    2.If only II follow
    3.If only III follow
    4.All I,II and III follow
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1.If only I follow
    Explanation :
    From I and III => some+no = some not => I follow
    From I,II,III => II false
    From I and II => some not => III false

  8. All stars are moons. All moons are planets. All planets are round.
    I.All moons being stars is a possibility.
    II.All rounds are stars.
    1.If only I follow
    2.If both I and II follow
    3.If either I or II follow
    4.If Only II follow
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1.If only I follow
    Explanation :
    From I => possibility exist => I true
    From I, II and III => all stars are rounds => II false

  9. Some students are singers. All singers are dancers. Some dancers are players
    I.No player is an student
    II.At least some dancers are students
    1.If only I follow
    2.If both I and II follow
    3.If either I or II follow
    4.If Only II follow
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4.If Only II follow
    Explanation :
    From  I,II,III => no conclusion => I false
    From I and II => Some => II true

  10. Some festivals are days. No month is a festival. Some years are days
    I.Atleast some festivals are years
    II.Atleast some years are not months
    III.All festivals being years is a possibility
    1.If only I follow
    2.If only II follow
    3.If only III follow
    4.All I,II and III follow
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 3.If only III follow
    Explanation :
    Some+some = no conclusion => I false
    From I,II,III => II false
    But possibility exist => III true

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