RBI Grade B: Free All India Test for Phase 1 & Phase 2

The RBI Grade B exam is just about 10 days away. For all those preparing for RBI Grade B 2017, here is an opportunity to take up the Free All India Test for RBI Grade B Phase 1 to be conducted on June 17th. You can also take up a free All India Test for ESI or Phase 2 of the RBI Grade B exam. OliveBoard is providing a free test for both Phase 1 & Phase 2. We’ve surveyed many users who use online study tools and most of them recommended OliveBoard for the RBI Grade B Course.

We even did our research and found that in RBI Grade B 2016, All India Rank #1, Rank #2, and Rank #3 all were subscribers of OliveBoard’s RBI Grade B Course.

RBI Grade B OBThe RBI Grade B course is the most prestigious bank exam conducted within India. It is slightly different from other Bank exams with its heavy focus on GK in Phase 1 and on Economics and Finance in Phase 2. Every year about 1-2 Lakh aspirants take up this exam.

The RBI Grade B Course consists of:-

  1. 10 All India Tests for Phase 1
  2. 15 All India Tests for Phase 2 for ESI and F&M in New Pattern
  3. F&M Lessons for All topics with Numerical Supplement
  4. Videos, Lessons, Topic Tests & Sectional Tests for Phase 1

One can enroll for one or all of the above items. Even if you have no intention to purchase, it is recommended that you at least make use of the several Free tests available on the site. Visit here to take the Free tests for RBI Grade B.

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