Quant, Reasoning and English Questions asked in SBI PO Mains Exam 2019 – July 20

Quant, Reasoning and English Questions asked in today’s SBI PO Mains 2019 Exam are listed below. If you have any more questions from the exam, then kindly share it in the comment section.

Quant Questions:

Directions.Q(1-2). There are 3 number series, you have to find the value of a, b, c & then establish relation among a, b, c

1) (i) 1, 601, 721, 751, (a), 766
(ii) 753, 769, (b), 765, 763, 764
(iii) 23, 24, 50, 153, (c), 3085
1) a > b = c
2) a = b > c
3) a = b < c
4) a > b < c
5) None of these

2) (i) 102, 107, 117, 134, (a)
(ii) 130, 115, 135, 110, (b)
(iii) (c), 80, 120, 300, 1050
1) b < a = c
2) b > a = c
3) b = a > c
4) b = a < c
5) None of these

Directions.Q.(3-5): An apple pie of R cm radius has to cut into X equal pieces, top surface are of each piece was 0.77 cm^2. But later on, it was found 50% of the pie was rotten so the remaining 50% was cut into X – 3 pieces of 0.616 cm^2 each.

3) Find out the value of X.
1) 10
2) 12
3) 8
4) 6
5) None of these

4) Find out the circumference of the original pie?
1) 88/50
2) 88/25
3) 176/25
4) 176/50
5) None of these

5) If entire pie would have been cut into 11 identical pieces what would have been the top surface area of each piece?
1) 0.64
2) 0.56
3) 0.28
4) 0.42
5) None of these

Direction: Data below represent the number of people required for the various project to be completed in various days:


Project Number of workers Days required
Project – A: Situation 1 X 88
Project – A: Situation 2 X+8 66
Project – B: Situation 1 Y Y-1
Project – B: Situation 2 Y+6 Y-6
Project – C: Situation 1 Z^2 75
Project – C: Situation 2 M^2 108

6) If 64 people were working for Project A, how many days did it take to complete the work?
1) 44 days
2) 22 days
3) 33 days
4) 36 days
5) None of these

7) If in Team P, total no. of workers = 0.5Z x 2 M. Then what is the number of days required by Team P to complete Project C?
1) 75 days
2) 60 days
3) 90 days
4) 80 days
5) None of these

8) If 0.5 Y people work on project B for 10 days and then 0.5Y people join the project after 10 days. How many days will it take to complete the Project B?
1) 35 days
2) 40 days
3) 45 days
4) 50 days
5) None of these

Population Density in (per Sq Km) and Land area in (sq km) of 4 Villages A, B, C and D in the year 2001.
Population Density = Total population of the village / Land Area
Gender Ratio = (Total no. of Males in a village/ Total no. of females in a village)* 100

9) If the gender ratio of C = 125 less than A and female population is equal for A and C, then find the male population in Village A?
1) 4000
2) 4250
3) 4500
4) 4750
5) None of these

10) If the population of female if 4000 for Village D, what is the gender ratio of D?
1) 120
2) 140
3) 160
4) 150
5) None of these

Directions.Q(11-12): Date is available for different stages of progress of loan distribution fair.

No. of people contacted for loan fair (Z)
No. of people visited loan fair (X)
9600 people shown interest in loans
32% of 9600 applied
20% of people who had applied are eligible
Y% of people who were eligible disbursed the loan

11) If out of people who have applied, 2880 were not eligible. Then how many are eligible?
1) 1440
2) 720
3) 1080
4) 360
5) None of these

12) If 6000 did not show interest and 7400 people did not visit the fair. Find the total number of people contacted?
1) 22000
2) 23000
3) 24000
4) 25000
5) None of these

13) In a bag X there are some identical green balls and rest other are blue balls.
(i) Probability of getting 1 green and 1 blue ball without replacement is 40/87.
(ii) Probability of getting both green is A.
(iii) If there is another bag (Y) in which some blue balls and rest others are green.
(iv) If a number of blue balls taken out from Y is 4 more than the green balls taken out from Y bag and added to bag X. Then the probability of getting both green is 14/29.

English Questions:

1) The recent (I) regarding language use and learning (II) on the primacy of communicative activities in the classroom.
a. ideas
b. rests
c. evolve
d. insist
e. theory
f. adequate

2) The new restaurant has already become a huge (I) with people (II) up for hours.

Reasoning Questions:

Input:- 734269 825497 647538 219354 961357 321658
STEP I:- 962437 794528 465783 123945 753169 236185
STEP II:- 123945 236185 465783 753169 794528 962437
STEP III:- 135924 135268 357468 135796 579248 379246
STEP IV:- 3458 31048 152848 33554 351832 211824
STEP V:- 20 16 28 20 22 18

INPUT:- 856347 745982 329584 512379 954267 463512

**Questions are collected purely based on the feedback from aspirants. If you find any error then kindly report it.

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