Nobel Prize for Peace – 2015

Winner of 2015 Nobel Prize for Peace : Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet

Award for : Its contribution to the Tunisia’s transition to democracy in the wake of the Jasmine Revolution 2011.


Nobel peace Prize Amount : $972,000( Presented on December 10 in Oslo)

Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet was formed in 2013

The National Dialogue Quartet comprises the following organizations in Tunisian civil society:

The Tunisian General Labour Union
The Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts
The Tunisian Human Rights League
The Tunisian Order of Lawyers

These four organisations represents the working life,welfare,principle of the rule of law of human rights in the Tunisian Society.Based on this ,the quarter performed its role as a mediator and main factor to advance peaceful democratic development in Tunisia.This helps the Quartet to win the award. The nobel peace prize awarded to the Quartet.Not to the individual organizations as such..

Jasmine Revolution – It is also known as the Tunisian Revolution .


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