Karnataka tops the University-Industry Linkage Index 2019

In the survey conducted by Progress, Harmony and Development Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) and the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, Karnataka topped the University-Industry Linkages (UILs) Index 2019 with the score of 7.8 out of 10. Kerala and Gujarat were ranked second and third with the score of 7.3 and 6.7, respectively. The study was released by Dr Shekhar C Mande, Secretary, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science and Technology.University-Industry Linkage Index 2019

Key Points:
i. Parameters: The 10 parameters were availability of University(s) for industry; industry interaction with University(s); continuity in Industry university interactions; frequency of University industry interactions; University support in providing quality solutions to industry; Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)/Collaboration/Agreement between University and Industry; patents gained in the past 5 years by University industry collaboration; continuity of joint research activities by University and industry; Industry interaction with university students for research; industry frequency of interactions with students for research.
ii. State wise performance: Most of the northeastern states were in the bottom of the list. Larger states like West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, and Bihar were the poor performers. Besides the top 3 states, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Delhi, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, and Telangana emerged as  the top performers.
iii. Outcome: Industry linkages were found moderate in India with an overall score of 4.7 on a scale of 10. There is a need to revive the Protection and Utilization of Public-Funded Intellectual Property (PUPFIP) Bill which was tabled in 2008 but later withdrawn from Parliament. This needs to be re-drafted and re-introduced. Bayh Dole Act of the United States, implemented in the 1980s, had been the best model in strengthening UILs.

Top 10 sectors of the Indian economy

For capacity building, research and development activity and innovation With strong University-Industry Linkages with UIL score
1 Agriculture and allied activities IT & ITeS- 17.7
2 Agro and food processing Tourism- 17.4
3 Tourism Textiles- 17.1
4 Textiles Agro and Food Processing- 15.0
5 Information Technology (IT) and Information Technology enabled Service (ITeS) Agriculture and Allied activities- 14.1
6 Power Drugs and Pharmaceuticals- 13.8
7 Automotive and auto components Automobiles and Auto components- 12.8
8 Cement Engineering- 11.5
9 Drugs and pharmaceuticals Power- 11.3
10 Handicrafts and handlooms Cement- 10.7

It is accredited with “Diamond Grade” by National Accreditation Board for Education and Training (NABET)(QCI- Quality Council of India), at national and international level.
Established: 1905
President: Dr DK Aggarwal

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