International Animation Day (IAD) is annually observed across the globe on October 28 to commemorate the birth of animation, the first public performance of projected moving images at Emile Reynaud’s Theatre Optique in Paris, France on the 28th October 1892.
- 28th October 2022 marks the observance of the 21st International Animation Day (IAD).
- The day is annually coordinated and promoted by Association Internationale du Film d’Animation (ASIFA).
i. In 2002, the Association Internationale du Film d’Animation (ASIFA) decided to observe 28th October of every year as International Animation Day (IAD) to mark the birth of animation.
ii. The 1st International Animation Day was observed on 28th October 2002.
Theatre Optique:
i. Theatre Optique was created by Emile Reyhaud in 1888. The images were produced with the assistance of 36 mirrors, 2magic lanterns or supplementary lights that were the source of a stationary background, and a projector.
ii. Emile Reyhaud exhibited his 1st “pan tomimes lumineuses” (lit pantomimies) on October 28, 1892.
iii. Pantomimes Lumineuses- a collection of 3 cartoons, ‘Pauvre Pierrot,’ ‘Un bon bock,’ and ‘Le Clown Et Ses Chiens.’
2022 IAD Poster:
i. The International Animation Day poster for 2022 was designed by Michaela Pavlátová, an animator and film director from the Czech Republic.
ii. The vibrant, colourful, and playful poster portrays life and motion. The inspiration for the poster was joy, a celebration of animation.
ASIFA Prize:
Since 1985, ASIFA has been given a prize for exceptional accomplishments in the art of animation.
About the Association Internationale du Film d’Animation (ASIFA):
ASIFA is a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)-supported Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO).
Objective- To unite the animation world in peace by trying to find ways for animators.
President – Deanna Morse
Establishment- 1960 in Annecy, France