India ranks 93rd out of 128 in Social Progress Index 2017

India has ranked 93rd among 128 countries on 2017 Social Progress Index report launched on June 21, 2017 by Social progress Imperative (SPI) with support from Deloitte and its strategic partners.

Highlights of Social Progress Index – 2017:

113 countries, out of the 128 countries ranked, have improved their level of social progress since 2014, with some countries demonstrating that it’s possible to significantly improve social progress, in spite of economic and geopolitical challenges.

  • The overall improvement is a result of advancements in access to information, communications and advanced education, better nutrition, basic medical care, access to basic knowledge through enrollment and literacy, water and sanitation.
  • World as a whole incorporating 128 countries scores 64.85 out of 100 on social progress. It registers a 2.6% increase from 2014.
  • However, the world is under performing as compared to what global average GDP per capita suggests is possible.
  • Denmark is the world’s top performer this year scoring 90.57 out of 100, whereas Central African Republic has ranked last at 128th

India in Social Progress Index – 2017:

India at 93rd position outperforms when compared with countries having similar GDP per capita in providing water and electricity facilities.

  • On an absolute level, India has moved up from the tier of Low Social Progress to Lower Middle Social Progress category.
  • The progress in India is mainly driven by the advancement in providing shelter and access to Information and Communication.
  • In context of liveable conditions, the affordable housing is now accessible to 67% of the India ranks 93rd out of 128 in Social Progress Index 2017population as compared to 42% in 2014. Moreover there is a 14% fall in the deaths attributable to household air pollution.
  • Internet users have increased sharply from 12% in 2014 to 26% in 2017.
  • Other measures of communication, such as Press Freedom Index and phone subscribers are in an upward trend.

Top 5 Countries on Social Progress Index – 2017:

Rank Country
1 Denmark
2 Finland
3 Iceland
4 Norway
5 Switzerland

About Social Progress Index:

The Social Progress Index measures the extent to which countries provide for the social and environmental needs of their citizens.

  • It is published by the a non-profitorganisation called Social Progress Imperative with support from other partners, and is based on the writings of Amartya Sen, Douglass North, and Joseph Stiglitz.
  • The Social Progress Index score is an average across scores for the three broad dimensions: Basic Human Needs, Foundations of Wellbeing, and Opportunity.

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