India Moves up a Rank, Becomes the 2nd Largest Foreign Investor in UK for the year 2019-20; US tops

India moves up a rank becomes second-largest foreign investor in UKAccording to the United Kingdom’s Department for International Trade (DIT) inward investment statistics for 2019-2020, India has become the second largest Foreign Direct Investor in the United Kingdom (UK) after the United States in 2019, by investing in 120 projects and creating 5,429 new jobs in the UK.In the previous year(2018), India was ranked as the 3rd largest Foreign Direct Investor of UK.

Top Foreign Direct Investors in UK 2020:

  • The United States of America remains as the top source of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) of the UK, delivering 462 projects and 20,131 jobs.
  • The List is followed by India, Germany, France, China and Hong Kong.


  • India increased with a 4% FDI increase for the UK on 2018-19 with 1,852 new inward investment projects in the 2019/2020 financial year. 
  • India’s projects in 2018-2019 were at 106, resulting in a job creation figure of 4,858.
  • From the FDI report, the number of jobs safeguarded by FDI has increased by 29 per cent this year.
  • The DIT has worked with investors to safeguard 26 percent more jobs compared to 2018-2019.

About United Kingdom:
Prime Minister- Boris Johnson
Capital- London 

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