IHD India Receives ‘Development Marketplace Award 2020’ from World Bank and SVRI

IHD India Receives Development Marketplace Award 2020Institute for Human Development (IHD), an Indian non-profit institution conferred with ‘Development Marketplace Award 2020:Innovations to Address Gender-Based Violence’ from World Bank Group and Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) for the project alcohol, intimate partner violence and household economy: an assessment of liquor ban in Bihar. Apart from India, other 8 non profit organizations from various countries have received this award.

Other Development Marketplace Award 2020:

  • Jordan Forum for Business and Professional Women; and Hakoura for Educational Programs for Testing reintegration model “trust” for women and girls’ survivors of gender-based violence with their families and communities in Jordan (Jordan).
  • Viktimolosko drustvo Srbije/Victimology Society of Serbia for Sexual violence at the universities in Serbia: Raising awareness and developing innovative mechanisms of victim support (Serbia).
  • Monash University for Impact on men’s attitudes and behaviours of a multi-component, gender-informed, father-inclusive intervention for early child development in Vietnam (Vietnam).
  • Universidad Catolica Boliviana for Estrategia comunitaria con un enfoque inclusivo para la prevención y atención de la violencia contra las mujeres (Bolivia).
  • Johns Hopkins University for Improving global violence prevention by optimizing the construction of outcome measures for impact evaluation of interventions (Global).
  • Nossas for Mapa do Acolhimento (Brazil).
  • KHANA Center for Population Health Research for WhatsApp chatline-SMARTgirl Chatline offering 24-hour gender-based violence response and survivor support for female entertainment workers in Cambodia (Cambodia).
  • Project Empower for Zethembe (South Africa).

Click here to read more about the winners.

Development Marketplace Awards:

  • Development Marketplace is to address Gender-Based Violence (GBV). This award was first launched in 2016 to honour GBV victims and survivors
  • World Bank Group and Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) joint hands to support and provide fund for researchers and innovators in low- and middle-income countries to study the violence against women and to reduce the violence against them.
  • This was held in memory of Hannah Graham, daughter of long time World Bank Group employee John Graham.
  • The winning teams receive up to US$100,000 each. These two partnerships have spent $5 million (USD) in award funding.

About Institute for Human Development (IHD):

Institute for Human Development (IHD), non-profit autonomous institution was established in the year 1998 and managed under the Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE). It aims to contribute towards building a society that fosters and values an inclusive social, economic and political system that is free from poverty and deprivation.
Chairman – Prof. S.R. Hashim

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