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GK Questions: Basic GK(Inventions & Inventors) – Set 5

Hello Aspirants. Welcome to Online General Knowledge section in Affairs cloud, which is important for all the competitive exams. We have created Some questions related to Basic GK(Inventions & Inventors) !!! 

  1. Who proved the Electromagnetic Theory ?
    1.Albert Einstein
    2.Benjamin Franklin
    3.Heinrich Hertz
    4.Pavel Schilling
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 3.Heinrich Hertz
    Explanation :
    Heinrich Rudolf Hertz was a German physicist who first conclusively proved the existence of electromagnetic waves theorized by James Clerk Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory of light. Hertz proved the theory by engineering instruments to transmit and receive radio pulses using experimental procedures that ruled out all other known wireless phenomena.

  2. Albert Einstein proposed the …………….
    1.Raman effect
    2.Theory of relativity
    4.Electromagnetic Theory
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 2.Theory of relativity
    Explanation :
    The theory of relativity proposed by Albert Einstein, and subsequent work of Max Planck, Hermann Minkowski and others. General relativity (GR) is a theory of gravitation that was developed by Albert Einstein between 1907 and 1915, with contributions by many others after 1915

  3. Electron Theory was proposed by …………………….
    2.Niels Bohr
    4.Heinrich Hertz
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 2.Niels Bohr
    Explanation :
    In atomic physics, the Rutherford–Bohr model or Bohr model, introduced by Niels Bohr in 1913, depicts the atom as a small, positively charged nucleus surrounded by electrons that travel in circular orbits around the nucleus—similar in structure to the solar system, but with attraction provided by electrostatic forces rather than gravity.

  4. Who proposed the Atomic theory ?
    1.Ernest Rutherford
    2.James Clerk Maxwell
    3.Max Born
    4.John Dalton
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4.John Dalton
    Explanation :
    Democritus first suggested the existence of the atom but it took almost two millennia before the atom was
    placed on a solid foothold as a fundamental chemical object by John Dalton (1766-1844). Although two centuries old, Dalton’s atomic theory remains valid in modern chemical thought.

  5. Charles Darwin proposed the …………………..
    1.Law of Motion & Gravitation
    2.Theory of Evolution
    3.Quantum Theory
    4.Laws of Electrical Resistance
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 2.Theory of Evolution
    Explanation :
    Darwinism is a theory of biological evolution developed by the English naturalist Charles Darwin and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual’s ability to compete, survive, and reproduce.

  6. Law of Conservation of Mass proposed by ……………
    1.Max Planck
    2.Enrico Fermi
    3.Antoine Lavoisier
    4.Nicolaus Copernicus
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 3.Antoine Lavoisier
    Explanation :
    The Law of Conservation of Mass (or Matter) in a chemical reaction can be stated thus – In a chemical reaction, matter is neither created nor destroyed.It was discovered by Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743-94) about 1785

  7. Gay Lussac proposed the which of the following ?
    1.Law of Gases
    2.Motiom of Planets
    3.Theory of Elctromagnetism
    4.Law of motion
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1.Law of Gases
    Explanation :
    The expression Gay-Lussac’s law is used for each of the two relationships named after the French chemist Joseph Louis Gay-Lussacand which concern the properties of gases, though it is more usually applied to his law of combining volumes.

  8. Who proposed the Boyle’s Law ?
    2.Johannes Kepler
    3.John  Dalton
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1.Boyle
    Explanation :
    Boyle’s law is a gas law, stating that the pressure and volume of a gas have an inverse relationship, when temperature is held constant.

  9. Laws of Electrical Resistance proposed by whom ?
    3.Georg Ohm
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 3.Georg Ohm
    Explanation :
    Ohm’s law states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the voltage across the two points.  The law was named after the German physicist Georg Ohm, who, in a treatise published in 1827, described measurements of applied voltage and current through simple electrical circuits containing various lengths of wire.

  10. ……………………………….. proposed the Raman Effect
    1.Johannes Kepler
    2.C.C. Patterson
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4.C.V.Raman
    Explanation :
    Raman scattering or the Raman effect  is the inelastic scattering of a photon. It was discovered by C. V. Raman and K. S. Krishnan in liquids, and by G. Landsberg and L. I. Mandelstam in crystals.The effect had been predicted theoretically by Adolf Smekal in 1923.The effect is specific to the molecules which cause it, and so can be used in spectroscopic analysis.

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