Flipkart signs MoU with IIT Patna for Industry Focused Research

Flipkart-and-IIT-Patna-partner-for-industry-focused-researchOn 18th August 2020, Flipkart signed a memorandum of understanding(MoU) with Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Patna to support the industry focused applied research in the fields like Artificial Intelligence(AI), Natural Language Processing(NLP) and Machine Learning(ML).


To create industry focused applied research to support the reach of e-commerce to more consumers and sellers.


  • To bring industry exposure to the students and scholars of IIT patna.
  • To provide opportunity to the faculties of IIT patna to work on research projects with Flipkart.

Features of MoU:

i.Under this MoU, IIT Patna will undertake joint research activities, writing research papers, organising seminars, internships and mentorship opportunities.

ii.This will establish academic collaborations to help the students and the academia to leverage the flipkarts data and platform knowledge to work on the India Specific e-commerce challenges.

iii.Under this MoU, the research of IIT Patna is aimed to develop robust machine translation techniques for translating the huge amount of user reviews which are written in English to the vernacular languages of India.

Other collaboration of Flipkart:

i.Flipkart works with leading Indian institutes like Indian Institute of Science (IISc), IIT Kharagpur, Bombay and Kanpur, Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad and Kolkata and other foregin universities like Carnegie Mellon University and University of California, San Diego to develop technologies like fashion recommendation, query understanding, attribute extraction, demand planning, product categorization, review helpfulness and supply chain management.

ii.These collaboration resulted in multiple research papers in world class conferences.

Recent related News:

i.Flipkart signs MoU with Karnataka State Mango Department to support mango farmers.

ii.Flipkart Signs MoU with Government of Karnataka to Promote Local Arts, Crafts And Handlooms

About Flipkart:
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)Kalyan Krishnamurthy 
Head Office– Bengaluru, Karnataka

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