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English Questions: Word Usage Set – 9

Hello Aspirants.

Welcome to Online English Section with explanation Here we are creating question sample in Word Usage, which is BASED ON NEW PATTERN which have been asked in many banking exams recently.

In each of the following questions, a word has been used in sentences in four different ways. Choose the option corresponding to the sentence in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE.

  1. Peace
    1) terrible peace broke out in the streets
    2) can’t a man get any peace around here
    3) the Straits were to be open to warships in time of peace
    4) we pray for peace in the province
    5) None of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1)
    Explanation : Replace “peace” with “fighting”
    terrible fighting broke out in the streets

  2. Soft
    1) the soft outlines of the trees
    2) I can just speak soft and she’ll hear me
    3) the soft glow of the lamps
    4) the ground was as soft as a rock
    5) None of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4)
    Explanation : Replace “soft” with “hard”
    the ground was as hard as a rock

  3. Crude
    1) they convert crude oil into petroleum
    2) building up a more crude profile of the customer’s needs
    3) a relatively crude nuclear weapon
    4) Prussian infantrymen lined the crude barricade
    5) None of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 2)
    Explanation : Replace “crude” with “refined”
    building up a more refined profile of the customer’s needs

  4. Enlarge
    1) recently my son enlarged our garden pond
    2) they’ve enlarged their house
    3) very often a favourite photograph is enlarged and framed
    4) he succeeded in enlarging her to tears
    5) None of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4)
    Explanation : Replace “enlarging” with “reducing”

  5. Haste
    1) we turned on to the runway and began to gather speed
    2) Lesley grew frustrated at the slow speed of their progress
    3) I sped back home
    4) I got into the car and home we sped
    5) None of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 5)
    Explanation : None of the above
    The uses of the word are correct in the all given sentences.

  6. Cheer
    1) knots of spectators were there to cheer me on
    2) self-doubt creeps in and that swiftly turns to cheer
    3) she acknowledged the cheers of the onlookers
    4) Christmas and New Year are a time of cheer
    5) None of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 2)
    Explanation : Replace “cheer” with “depression”
    self-doubt creeps in and that swiftly turns to depression

  7. Whole
    1) the painting tells only whole of the story
    2) he spent the whole day walking
    3) they discovered a whole marble mantelpiece
    4) the man who’s given a whole new meaning to the term ‘cowboy
    5) None of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1)
    Explanation : Replace “whole” with “part”
    the painting tells only part of the story

  8. Remove
    1) a more intractable problem remove
    2) Customs officials removed documents from the premises
    3) it is almost impossible, at this remove, to reconstruct the impact of the incident
    4) tax relief on life assurance premiums was removed
    5) None of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1)
    Explanation : Replace “remove” with “ remain”
    a more intractable problem remains

  9. Tough
    1) they had tough leather glove
    2) she was as tough as old boots
    3) a gang of toughs
    4) he must have been a tough little lad to have survived it all
    5) None of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 5)
    Explanation : None of the above
    The uses of the word are correct in the all given sentences.

  10. Elegant
    1) the grand unified theory is compact and elegant in mathematical terms
    2) she will look elegant in black
    3) she was dressed in an elegant black outfit
    4) the mood in the room turned elegent
    5) None of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4)
    Explanation : Replace “elegant” with “ugly”
    the mood in the room turned ugly

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