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English Questions: Word Usage Set – 2

Hello Aspirants.

Welcome to Online English Section with explanation Here we are creating question sample in Word Usage, which is BASED ON NEW PATTERN which have been asked in many banking exams recently .

In each of the following questions, a word has been used in sentences in four different ways. Choose the option corresponding to the sentence in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE.

  1. Allow
    1) the dissident was allowed to leave the country
    2) the police allowed him to go home
    3) they agreed to a ceasefire to allow talks with the government
    4) his old age and illness allow him from attending
    5) None of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4)
    Explanation : it should be prohibited instead of allow.
    “his old age and illness prohibited him from attending”In the other sentences, the word ‘provide’ is used correctly.

  2. Choice
    1) he leaned forward to choice her hand
    2) he picked some choice early plums
    3) I went to pick some flowers for Jenny’s room
    4) he had a few choice words at his command
    5) None of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1)
    Explanation : it should be take instead of choice
    “he leaned forward to take her hand”In the other sentences, the word ‘provide’ is used correctly.

  3. Odd
    1) she cut the hair again to odd up the ends”
    2) odd numbers
    3) atoms which possess an odd number of electrons
    4) the neighbours thought him very odd
    5) None of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1)
    Explanation : it should be even instead of odd.
    “she cut the hair again to even up the ends”In the other sentences, the word ‘provide’ is used correctly.

  4. Carry
    1) medics were carrying a wounded man on a stretcher
    2) the bridge is capable of carrying even the heaviest loads
    3) she put the book carry on the shelf
    4) the dinghy would carry the weight of the baggage easily enough
    5) None of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 3)
    Explanation : it should be back instead of carry.
    “she put the book back on the shelf”In the other sentences, the word ‘provide’ is used correctly.

  5. Busy
    1) he had been too busy to enjoy himself
    2) the lavish set designs are a little too busy
    3) she busied herself with her new home
    4) I was picked up by the busies for possession
    5) None of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 5)
    Explanation : None of the above
    The uses of the word are correct in the all given sentences.

  6. Provide
    1) these clubs provide a much appreciated service for this area
    2) new qualifications must provide for changes in technology
    3) we have provided for further restructuring
    4) he provided an envelope from his inside pocket
    5) None of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4)
    Explanation : it should be took instead of provided.
    “he took an envelope from his inside pocket”.In the other sentences, the word ‘provide’ is used correctly.

  7. Say
    1) Thank you,’ he said
    2) let’s say you’d just won a million pounds
    3) let’s say we pay in five thousand pounds in the first year
    4) she let him have his say
    5) None of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 5)
    Explanation : None of the above
    The uses of the word are correct in the all given sentences.

  8. Issue
    1) the issue of racism
    2) the issue of notes by the Bank of England
    3) licences were issued indiscriminately to any company
    4) she was a issue whenever she was near him he felt in the wrong
    5) None of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4)
    Explanation : it should be scold instead of issue“she was a scold—whenever she was near him he felt in the wrong”In the other sentences, the word ‘issue’ is used correctly

  9. Irritate
    1) his tone irritated her
    2) melody is the element with the most power to irritate the listener
    3) if you are feeling slightly down, the smallest things are likely to irritate you
    4) some sand got into the car and irritated my eyes
    5) None of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 2)
    Explanation : it should be allure instead of irritate.
    Ex – melody is the element with the most power to allure the listener.In the other sentences, the word ‘irritate’ is used correctly.

  10. Move
    1) this harassment has got to be moved
    2) aircraft design had moved forward a long way
    3) she made a sudden move towards me
    4) she moved to the door
    5) None of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1)
    Explanation : it should be stopped instead of moved.
    “this harassment has got to be stopped”In the other sentences, the word ‘move’ is used correctly.

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