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English Questions: Vocabulary Set 210

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Welcome to Online English Section with explanation in Here we are providing some difficult words from editorials , which is important and very helpful for IBPS PO/CLERK/LIC AAO/RRB & SSC CGL EXAM and other exams !!!

The Hindu: Theatre of the absurd: on Donald Trump’s response to ‘Fire and Fury’

The office of the President of the United States took on the air of a Shakespearean farce as Fire and Fury, a tell-all, insider account of dysfunction, bitterness and chaos within the White House, was shot-gunned across the Internet. Although the book was released on Friday, its author, Michael Wolff, and publishers, Henry Holt & Co., were perhaps taking no chances in disseminating it thus, given that Donald Trump had reacted furiously on Twitter to its impending release, and his lawyers reportedly sent them a cease-and-desist notice. Mr. Trump’s anger was evident when he earlier said that former White House strategist Steve Bannon, who allegedly provided much of the inputs used in the book, had “lost his mind” and had been “dumped like a dog”. Mr. Trump had uncharitable words for Mr. Wolff as well. It is relevant to ask what the book is and what it is not. In the view of most White House analysts, it is a collection of statements that amount to gossip by members of Mr. Trump’s inner coterie. It is not, according to many who cover the White House, a work of journalistic merit, or a rigorous factual account backed by catalogued evidence. Yet, even if one discounts many of the claims made in Fire and Fury, it paints an unmistakable picture of profound instability in Mr. Trump’s office.
Consequently, the debate has circled back to the question of his mental health and his ability to discharge the duties of his office. If he is found wanting in this regard, his Cabinet and Congress may, under the provisions of the U.S. Constitution’s 25th Amendment, remove him from office. Twenty-seven psychiatrists, including those from top universities, have described Mr. Trump’s mental state as “dangerous”; some have called for an emergency evaluation of his mental capacity. Mr. Trump’s weekend tweet that he was “a very stable genius” indicates that he is conscious of the growing clamour around the mental health question. Beyond this, however, what the embattled state — as described by the book — of White House functioning indicates is that Mr. Trump may not have expected to win the presidency at all. And that he only joined in the race for the mind-boggling publicity — and by extension commercial gain — that it could bring him and the Trump Organization. This theory would indeed explain certain broad trends witnessed since his inauguration, including a shortage of broad, programmatic or ideological approaches to policy issues and sudden policy shifts — particularly in the realm of foreign policy — which do not seem to factor in knock-on effects. Whatever the truth, this was the leader that the American electorate chose. The world must now live with the consequences of the decision.

1.Farce(Noun) : स्वांग

Meaning : a comic dramatic work using buffoonery and horseplay and typically including crude characterization and ludicrously improbable situations.

Synonyms : slapstick comedy, broad comedy, slapstick, burlesque, vaudeville, travesty, buffoonery; skit, squib; rarepasquinade.

Antonyms : sobriety,tragedy.

Usage : at one or two points the stories approach bedroom farce.

2.Bitterness(Noun) : कार्कश्य

Meaning : sharpness of taste; lack of sweetness.

Synonyms : sharpness, acidity, pungency, acridity, tartness, sourness, harshness, vinegariness, acerbity.

Antonyms : bland, mild, pleasant, sweet.

Usage : the lime juice imparts a slight bitterness.

3.Chaos(Noun) : अराजकता

Meaning : complete disorder and confusion.

Synonyms : disorder, disarray, disorganization, confusion, mayhem, bedlam, pandemonium, madness, havoc, turmoil, tumult, commotion, disruption, upheaval, furore, frenzy, uproar, hue and cry, babel, hurly-burly; a maelstrom, a muddle, a mess, a shambles, a mare’s nest; anarchy, entropy, lawlessness.

Antonyms : calm, harmony, normality, order, organization, quiet, system.

Usage : there was complete chaos when she entered the classroom.

4.Disseminating(Verb) : फैला हुआ

Meaning : spread (something, especially information) widely.

Synonyms : spread, circulate, distribute, disperse, diffuse, proclaim, promulgate, propagate, publicize, communicate, pass on, make known, put about; dissipate, scatter; broadcast, put on the air/airwaves, publish; herald, trumpet.

Antonyms : collect,gather.

Usage : should foster good practice by disseminating information.

5.Impending(Verb) : आसन्न

Meaning : be about to happen.

Synonyms : imminent, at hand, close, close at hand, near, nearing, approaching, coming, forthcoming, upcoming, to come, on the way, about to happen, upon us, in store, in the offing, in the pipeline, on the horizon, in the air, in the wind, brewing, looming, looming large, threatening, menacing.

Antonyms : distant, later, never, remote.

Usage : she had a strange feeling of impending danger.

6.Cease-and-desist(Adjective) : बंद करो और रुको

Meaning : denoting a cautionary notice detailing the sender’s complaint of alleged wrongdoing by the recipient and threatening legal action if the offending activity is not stopped.

Usage : she sent a cease-and-desist letter last July urging them to stop using the name.

7.Lost his mind(Phrasal verb) : मेरे मन की हार

Usage : Go crazy, lose one’s sanity, as in.

8.Coterie (Nonu) : मंडली

Meaning : a small group of people with shared interests or tastes, especially one that is exclusive of other people.

Synonyms : clique, set, circle, inner circle, crowd, in-crowd, gang, band, pack, crew, clan, club, fellowship, brotherhood, fraternity, sorority, sect, camp, community, league, alliance, faction, cabal, junta, caucus, syndicate, nucleus, cell; push.

Usage : all prime ministers develop a small coterie of kindred spirits.

9.Clamour(Verb) : विरोध

Meaning : (of a group of people) shout loudly and insistently.

Synonyms : din, racket, loud noise, uproar, tumult, babel, shouting, yelling, screaming, baying, roaring, blaring, clangour; commotion, brouhaha, hue and cry, hubbub, bedlam, pandemonium; stramash; informalhullabaloo, rumpus; informalrow; rarevociferation, ululation, charivari.

Usage : the surging crowds clamoured for attention.

10.Mind-boggling(Adjective) : विलक्षण

Meaning : overwhelming; startling.

Synonyms : impressive.

Antonyms : believable, conceivable, fathomable, imaginable, reasonable.

Usage : the implications are mind-boggling.

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