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English Questions – Vocabulary For IBPS RRBs – Set 174

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Welcome to Online English Section with explanation in Here we are providing some difficult words from editorials, which is important for IBPS PO/CLERK/LIC AAO/RRB & SSC CGL EXAM and other !!!

1. Itinerant – चलनेवाला

Meaning – travelling from place to place.

Synonyms – travelling, peripatetic, wandering, wayfaring, roving, roaming, rambling, touring, nomadic, gypsy, migrant, migratory, ambulatory; vagrant, vagabond, homeless, of no fixed address/abode, displaced; footloose, rootless, drifting, floating, unsettled, restless; globetrotting, jet-setting; archaicerrant.

Usage – a market for both local and itinerant traders.

2. Knavish – दुष्टी

Meaning – dishonest or unscrupulous.

Usage – his knavish tricks will be frustrated.

3. Quash – मिटा देना

Meaning – reject as invalid, especially by legal procedure.

Synonyms – cancel, reverse, rescind, repeal, revoke, retract, countermand, withdraw, take back, rule against, disallow, overturn, override, overrule, veto, set aside, overthrow, repudiate, annul, nullify, declare null and void, invalidate, render invalid, negate, void, abrogate; vacate.

Usage – his conviction was quashed on appeal.

4. Dulcet – आनंदकर

Meaning – (especially of sound) sweet and soothing (often used ironically).

Synonyms – sweet, sweet-sounding, mellifluous, euphonious, soothing, mellow, honeyed, pleasant, agreeable; melodious, melodic, tuneful, musical, lilting, lyrical, harmonious, silvery, silver-toned, bell-like, golden.

Usage – record the dulcet tones of your family and friends.

5. Impious – बेईमान

Meaning – showing a lack of respect for God or religion.

Synonyms – godless, ungodly, unholy, irreligious, sinful, immoral, unrighteous, sacrilegious, profane, blasphemous, irreverent, disrespectful; apostate, atheistic, non-theistic, agnostic, pagan, heathen, faithless, non-believing, unbelieving, disbelieving, doubting.

Usage – the emperor’s impious attacks on the Church.

6. Rescind – रद्द कर देना

Meaning – revoke, cancel, or repeal (a law, order, or agreement).

Synonyms – revoke, repeal, cancel, reverse, abrogate, overturn, overrule, override, annul, nullify, declare null and void, make void, void, invalidate, render invalid, quash, abolish, set aside, countermand, retract, withdraw; vacate, avoid.

Usage – the government eventually rescinded the directive.

7. Decamp – डेरा छोड़ना

Meaning – leave a place suddenly or secretly.

Synonyms – abscond, make off, run off, run away, flee, bolt, take off, take flight, disappear, vanish, slip away, steal away, sneak away, beat a hasty retreat, escape, make a run for it, make one’s getaway, leave, depart, make oneself scarce; informalsplit, scram, skedaddle, vamoose, skip.

Usage – now he has decamped to Hollywood.

8. Coddle – लाड़ प्यार करना

Meaning – treat (someone) in an indulgent or overprotective way.

Synonyms – pamper, cosset, mollycoddle, wait on someone hand and foot, cater to someone’s every whim; spoil, indulge, overindulge, humour, pander to; spoon-feed, overparent; pet, baby, mother, nanny.

Usage – I was coddled and cosseted.

9. Perilous – जोखिम

Meaning – full of danger or risk.

Synonyms – dangerous, fraught with danger, hazardous, risky, unsafe, treacherous; precarious, vulnerable, uncertain, insecure, critical, desperate, exposed, at risk, in jeopardy, in danger, touch-and-go; problematic, difficult.

Usage – a perilous journey south.

10. Emulate – अनुकरण करना

Meaning – match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation.

Synonyms – imitate, copy, reproduce, mimic, mirror, echo, follow, model oneself on, take as a model, take as an example; match, equal, parallel, be the equal of, be on a par with, be in the same league as, come near to, come close to, approximate.

Usage – most rulers wished to emulate Alexander the Great.

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