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English Questions – Spotting Error set – 146

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Welcome to Online English Section with explanation in Here we are creating question sample in Spotting Errors, which is BASED ON IBPS PO/CLERK/LIC AAO/RRB & SSC CGL EXAM and other competitive exams.

  1. Perhaps one way in which to see the / difference among the two is to / borrow an analogy from the / realm of entrepreneurial enterprise.
    1) Perhaps one way in which to see the
    2) difference among the two is to
    3) borrow an analogy from the
    4) realm of entrepreneurial enterprise.
    5) No error
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 2)
    Explanation: Replace ‘among’ with ‘between
    between – at, into, or across the space separating (two objects or regions).

  2. They disrupt the existing order of things / and enable people to achieve a new and / different awareness of the world and of their / interactions with it, and with each other.
    1) They disrupt the existing order of things
    2) and enable people to achieve a new and
    3) different awareness of the world and of their
    4) interactions with it, and with each other.
    5) No error
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 5)
    Explanation: No error
    Given sentence is correct.

  3. They form a company with a registered / trademark and have it list on the / sacramental stock exchange to compete / with similar other organisations.
    1) They form a company with a registered
    2) trademark and have it list on the
    3) sacramental stock exchange to compete
    4) with similar other organisations.
    5) No error
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 2)
    Explanation: Replace ‘list’ with ‘listed
    Has/have + Verb3rd form.”have it listed…”

  4. Indeed, it should considered meeting future / demand by importing part of its needs / rather than trying to set up giant / refineries that export surplus production.
    1) Indeed, it should considered meeting future
    2) demand by importing part of its needs
    3) rather than trying to set up giant
    4) refineries that export surplus production
    5) No error
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1)
    Explanation: Replace ‘considered’ with ‘consider’
    Should + verb first form.

  5. No court will ban bad tea either, even / though the judges pass through those / airports and see the injustice happen / in front of their eye every day.
    1) No court will ban bad tea either, even
    2) though the judges pass through those
    3) airports and see the injustice happen
    4) in front of their eye every day.
    5) No error
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4)
    Explanation: Replace ‘eye’ with ‘eyes’
    their  + plural noun.

  6. A recent study reveals that cancer accounts / for a much larger percentage of deaths / in the 40-69 age group in the northeast / compared to other backward states.
    1) A recent study reveals that cancer accounts
    2) for a much larger percentage of deaths
    3) in the 40-69 age group in the northeast
    4) compared to other backward states.
    5) No error
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 5)
    Explanation: No error
    Given sentence is correct.

  7. If Sarma’s statement is meant to be a / rationalisation of state failure in upholding / public health, then it is a bizarre extension / of the same principle to matters of disease as well as.
    1) If Sarma’s statement is meant to be a
    2) rationalisation of state failure in upholding
    3) public health, then it is a bizarre extension
    4) of the same principle to matters of disease as well as.
    5) No error
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4)
    Explanation: Replace ‘as well as’ with ‘as well’
    ‘As well (as)’ means also/too. ‘As well’ goes at the end of a sentence, only. ‘As well as’ is placed at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence:

  8. It tracked the spot price of every crude around / the globe, and seized opportunities to buy dirty / crudes that were relatively cheap compared / with the refined products they could produce.
    1) It tracked the spot price of every crude around
    2) the globe, and seized opportunities to buy dirty
    3) crudes that were relatively cheap compared
    4) with the refined products they could produce.
    5) No error
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1)
    Explanation: Replace ‘around’ with ‘across
    across – from one side to the other of (a place, area, etc.).

  9. Christ returns at the time of the Inquisition / to preach his gospel that the kingdom / of heaven is within us, that we need / neither church nor clergy to enter it.
    1) Christ returns at the time of the Inquisition
    2) to preach his gospel that the kingdom
    3) of heaven is within us, that we need
    4) neither church nor clergy to enter it.
    5) No error
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 5)
    Explanation: No error
    Given sentence is correct.

  10. There is a huge difference between / spirituality and religion, though / the two are often confused and seen / as been one and the same.
    1) There is a huge difference between
    2) spirituality and religion, though
    3) the two are often confused and seen
    4) as been one and the same.
    5) No error
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4)
    Explanation: Replace ‘been’ with ‘being
    being – existence.

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