Current Affairs APP

English Questions – Sentence Starter Set 4

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Welcome to Online English Section with explanation in Affairs Here we are creating question sample in Sentence Starter, which is BASED ON Bank EXAMS 2018 !!!

Sentence Starter

Directions (Q.1-10):Choose the option which when used to start a sentence combines both the below sentences in one.

  1. The faculty and infrastructure now available in the Academies are inadequate. There is need for trainers in the areas of information-communication technology, interpersonal relationships, court and case management.
    A. now available in the….
    B. trainers are needed in the….
    C. faculty and infrastructure are…
    1) A and C
    2) A
    3) C
    4) B
    5) none of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4)
    Trainers are needed in the areas of information-communication technology, interpersonal relationships, court and case management , the faculty and infrastructure now available in the Academies are inadequate.

  2. In the present century, the world economy is fast changing and the education sector is also passing through the same state. It is being revolutionized by the new developments in science and technology, media and internationalization.
    A. media and internationalization….
    B. passing through same state….
    C. revolutionized by the new….
    1) A
    2) C
    3) B and C
    4) B
    5) none of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 2)
    Revolutionized by the new developments in science and technology, media and internationalization , in the present century , the world economy is fast changing and the education sector is also passing through the same state.

  3. The school assist to develop the all round personality of a child with the help of interwoven relationships of child development programs. He is trained well before he enters the campus of university with a broadened outlook towards life.
    A. trained well before….
    B. developed by the….
    C. broadened outlook towards….
    1) A
    2) A and C
    3) B
    4) C
    5) none of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1)
    Trained well before entering the campus of university with a broadened outlook towards life , the school assist in developing the all round personality of a child with the help of interwoven relationships of child development programs.

  4. Education concerns all the people. Different individuals and groups have different concerns in education, which have to be reconciled in policy planning and implementation.
    A. concerned by all….
    B. having different concerns…
    C. reconciled by policy….
    1) A and B
    2) C
    3) A
    4) B
    5) none of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4)
    Having different concerns in education by different individuals and groups which have to be reconciled in policy planning and implementation , education concerns all the people.

  5. In today’s educational system the text book has become the source of all knowledge . Even though it fails to cater to enlarging mind and growing sense of enquiry of a child.
    A. failing to cater to enlarging…….
    B. text book is becoming…
    C. grown sense of ….
    1) B
    2) A and B
    3) A
    4) C
    5) none of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 3)
    Failing to cater to enlarging mind and growing sense of enquiry of a child , in today’s educational system the text book has become the source of all knowledge.

  6. Drug abuse has been realized as a major evil. It is a social problem and has legal ramifications.
    A. major evil has…
    B. legally ramified….
    C. being a social problem….
    1) C
    2) A
    3) B and C
    4) B
    5) none of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1)
    Being a social problem and having legal ramifications , drug abuse has been realized as a major evil.

  7. Monster Galaxies are thought to be the ancestors of the huge elliptical galaxies in today’s universe. They pave the way to understand the formation and evolution of such galaxies.
    A. huge elliptical galaxies…
    B. evolutes of galaxies….
    C. paving the way to….
    1) B
    2) A and C
    3) C
    4) A
    5) none of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 3)
    Paving the way to understand the formation and evolution of such galaxies , Monster Galaxies are thought to be the ancestors of the huge elliptical galaxies in today’s universe.

  8. There are a large number of people in our society who have formally studied or are studying science, clearly driven by job expectations. This has caused the retreat of traditional values and a degree of modernization and homogenization of society.
    A. causing the retreat……
    B. studying formally by expectations….
    C. modernizing the society…
    1) B
    2) C
    3) A and B
    4) A
    5. none of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4)
    Causing the retreat of traditional values and a degree of modernization and homogenization of society , there are a large number of people in our society who have formally studied or are studying science, clearly driven by job expectations.

  9. Machines are rendering people unemployed, traditional craftsmen and artisans are being obliterated. In this fast pace of life, we are losing taste for simple pleasure and joys.
    A. render the people unemployed…
    B. losing taste for simple….
    C. pacing of life….
    1) B
    2) A
    3) B and C
    4) C
    5) none of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1)
    Losing taste for simple pleasure and joys in this fast pace of life , machines are rendering people unemployed, traditional craftsmen and artisans are being obliterated.

  10. Newspaper informs people about events by reporting them as news . It also analyses news and presents it as editorials, comments and lead articles.
    A. analyzing news and presenting….
    B. report of news….
    C. leading articles in the news…
    1) A and C
    2) A
    3) B
    4) C
    5) none of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 2)
    Analyzing news and presenting it as editorials, comments and lead articles , newspaper informs people about events by reporting them as news.

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