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English Questions : Sentence Correction(New Pattern) Set 113

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Sentence Correction

Directions (Q.1-10): Given below is a set of statements viz, (I), (II), (III), (IV) & (V). Read them to answer the question that follow without changing the tone of the paragraph.

I. Weak regulation of ecotourism is severely impacting important habitats, and affecting animals that have large home ranges, like elephants.
II. Fragmentation of forests makes it all the more important to preserve migratory corridors.
III. The movement of elephants is essential to ensure that their populations are genetically viable, and help regenerate forests on which other species, including tigers, depend.
IV. Ending human interference in the pathways of elephants is a conservation imperative, more so because the animals are then not forced to seek alternative routes that bring them into conflict with people.
V. Forests that have turned into farms and unbridled tourism are blocking their paths, resulting in growing incidents of elephant-human conflict.

  1. Which among the following sentences can REPLACE Statement (III) IN CONTEXT completely?
    1. Another factor that needs to be taken into account is what species the corridor is intended for.
    2. Elephants are important species and since their number is decreasing , it becomes necessary to not let the forests deteriorate and keep their growth visible.
    3. Elephants should be given due importance by providing a better care to them and catering the needs of the species which in a way sacrosanct them.
    4. Illegal structures in these pathways should be removed without delay.
    5. None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer : 2)
    Explanation :
    Option 2 is suitable.

  2. Which among the following sentences can REPLACE Statement (IV) IN CONTEXT completely?
    1. Humans should confine themselves by not impeding the animals.
    2. Although corridors have been implemented with the assumption that they will increase biodiversity
    3. As humans have continuously made restrictions in forests , this serves a conclusion of disrupting the activities.
    4. Using the successful models within the country, including acquisition of lands using private funds and their transfer to the government.
    5. None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer : 1)
    Explanation :
    Option 1 is suitable.

  3. Which among the following sentences can REPLACE Statement (II) IN CONTEXT completely?
    1. If the habitat is not connected to a safer one, it will ultimately lead to death.
    2. A remaining portion of natural habitat is called a remnant, and such portions need to be connected because when migration decreases, extinction increases
    3. Corridors serve as a purpose to main the dignity of forests.
    4. The forests have dissolved making it necessary to conserve the corridors.
    5. None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer : 4)
    Explanation :
    Option 4 is suitable.

  4. Which among the following sentences can REPLACE Statement (V) IN CONTEXT completely?
    1. But more importantly, the effort should be to expand elephant corridors.
    2. Humans have been seen always struggling with flora and fauna in forests making their growth deplete.
    3. Since forests have lost their charm and lost the sanctity , more clashes are being observed between human and species.
    4. The grey area of mushrooming home-stay structures, which are just hotels on forest fringes, also deserves scrutiny.
    5. None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer : 2)
    Explanation :
    Option 2 is suitable.

  5. Which among the following sentences can REPLACE Statement (I) IN CONTEXT completely?
    1. By re-connecting the fragments, the population fluctuations can decrease dramatically. 2. Flaccid organization of explorations towards nature is impacting loads of animals and their habitats.
    3. This must be thoroughly investigated to check whether there was any wrongdoing.
    4. Habitat fragmentation due to human development is an ever-increasing threat to biodiversity, and habitat corridors are a possible mitigation.
    5. None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer : 2)
    Explanation :
    Option 2 is suitable.

I. Rivers have been the lifeline of all civilisations; no wonder they are considered sacred across cultures.
II. In a land where water was recognised as the basis of life force and rivers were considered sacred, we’ve come a long way from worshipping, venerating and nurturing our rivers, to polluting them with all kinds of toxic substances.
III. Mass industrialisation has led to large scale deforestation, exploitation of natural resources and pollution of air and water.
IV. Historically, nature, mountains, rivers, trees, the sun, the moon – have always been honoured.
V. It’s only when we start moving away from our connection to Nature and our own selves, that we begin polluting and destroying the environment.

  1. Which among the following sentences can REPLACE Statement (III) IN CONTEXT completely?
    1. The chemical composition of the water has a large impact on the ecology of that water for both plants and animals and it also affects the uses that may be made of the river water.
    2. Automation of commercial activities has poisoned rivers.
    3. The chemistry of rivers is complex and depends on inputs from the atmosphere, the geology through which it travels and the inputs from man’s activities.
    4. A spiritual outlook and sensitivity is essential to foster environmental consciousness.
    5. None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer : 2)
    Explanation :
    Option 2 is suitable.

  2. Which among the following sentences can REPLACE Statement (IV) IN CONTEXT completely?
    1. Earlier nature use to be worshipped and looked with a dignified image.
    2. It tends to be a central element in the creations accounts of almost every culture with mythological, cosmological, and theological myths.
    3. It opens our eyes to the beauty of Nature, encourages us to revere nature
    4. Whether you dig deep into the Earth or you look above the Earth, there is groundwater and water contained in rain clouds.
    5. None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer : 1)
    Explanation :
    Option 1 is suitable.

  3. Which among the following sentences can REPLACE Statement (II) IN CONTEXT completely?
    1. Clean and positive environment can affect all the other layers of existence.
    2. Water is of special significance in Hinduism, not only for its life-sustaining properties, but also because of its use in rituals and because of the stress given to cleanliness.
    3. The concept describes the river as a system in which the physical parameters, the availability of food particles and the composition of the ecosystem are continuously changing along its length.
    4. Worshipping rivers and now contaminating them has now brought man to a disastrous activity.
    5. None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer : 4)
    Explanation :
    Option 4 is suitable.

  4. Which among the following sentences can REPLACE Statement (V) IN CONTEXT completely?
    1. When there’s harmony in these layers, there’s a greater sense of peace and connectedness.
    2. When there’s harmony in these layers, there’s a greater sense of peace and connectedness.
    3. When humans become selfish and greedy , it is at that very time that he stats debauching rivers.
    4. A clean and positive environment can affect all the other layers of existence.
    5. None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer : 3)
    Explanation :
    Option 3 is suitable.

  5. Which among the following sentences can REPLACE Statement (I) IN CONTEXT completely?
    1. When a seeker can honour the sanctity of the environment, then he can experience the same sanctity in his own mind.
    2. In the urbanity of customs , rivers are an aid to every society.
    3. An intimate relationship with Nature is built into the human psyche.
    4. For the one who has transcended his mind, all time, every place and every mood is anyway sacred.
    5. None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer : 2)
    Explanation :
    Option 2 is suitable.

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