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English Questions : Sentence Correction Set 99 (Phrase Replacement)

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Welcome to Online English Section with explanation in Here we are creating question sample in sentence correction (Phrase Replacements), which is BASED ON IBPS EXAMS 2017 !!!

  1. He went on sowing wild oats, he reaped suffering in his later life.
    1) Inviting troubles as a boy
    2) Warning others as a young man
    3) Irresponsible pleasure seeking in young age
    4) Sowing grains called oats when young
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 3)
    Explanation: Irresponsible pleasure seeking in young age

  2. I don’t know why she has become stand-offish recently.
    1) Angry
    2) Hilarious
    3) Indifferent
    4) Unmanageable
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 3)
    Explanation: Indifferent

  3. Why don’t you put an end to blowing your own trumpet?
    1) Playing your own trumpet to produce music
    2) Making too much noise
    3) Praising your own abilities and achievements
    4) None of the above
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 3)
    Explanation: Praising your own abilities and achievements

  4. I knew he had an axe to grind and turned down his offer of help.
    1) A blunt axe
    2) A sharp tongue
    3) A private interest to serve
    4) A tendency to fight
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 3)
    Explanation: A private interest to serve

  5. The saint’s life was an open book.
    1) An uncomplicated one
    2) One that held no secrets
    3) An example to all
    4) An interesting biography
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 2)
    Explanation: One that held no secrets

  6. Reading between the lines I realized that my friend wanted to keep something from me.
    1) Looking for meanings that are not actually expressed.
    2) Reading carelessly
    3) Reading with anxiety
    4) Glancing over the lines
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1)
    Explanation: Looking for meanings that are not actually expressed.

  7. Sometimes, it happens that we have to give the devil his due.
    1) To give credit to even a notorious person
    2) To give encouragement even to the friend
    3) To invite the devil
    4) To stand in the way of the devil
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1)
    Explanation: To give credit to even a notorious person

  8. The king had been made to eat humble pie.
    1) To eat slowly
    2) To have an excellent dish
    3) To eat a good pie
    4) To have to apologise
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4)
    Explanation: To have to apologise

  9. He has a very nice manner, but you would better take what he says with a grain of salt.
    1) To listen to something with considerable doubt
    2) To talk sensibly
    3) To criticise
    4) To complement
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1)
    Explanation: To listen to something with considerable doubt

  10. Gopi works by fits and starts.
    1) Consistently
    2) Irregularly
    3) In high spirits
    4) Enthusiastically
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 2)
    Explanation: Irregularly

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