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English Questions: Sentence Correction Set – 62

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Welcome to Online English Section with explanation Here we are creating question sample insentence correction, which is BASED ON IBPS PO/CLERK/LIC AAO/RRB & SSC CGL EXAM and other competitive exams.

  1. Even the strongest critics of the Prime Minister, those who have most vehemently opposed demonetization, are actually stands in line to say how bad black money is.
    1) are actually standing in line to said
    2) are actually standing in line to say
    3) are actually standing in the line to say
    4) are actually standing in line being said
    5) No correction required.
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 2)
    Explanation : are actually standing in line to say

  2. Wiser men than me are saying that all the money taken out of the economy when the big notes were demonetized will most probably come back.
    1) all money that taken out of the
    2) all the money which has taken out of the
    3) all of the money took out of the
    4) all the money takes out of the
    5) No correction required.
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 5)
    Explanation : No correction required.
    Given sentence is correct.

  3. the credit for these deposits will be the only given after two banks officials quiz the depositor, as to why this money was not deposited earlier.
    1) will be only given before two bank
    2) will be only given after two banks
    3) will be only given after two bank
    4) will be given only after two bank
    5) No correction required.
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 3) 
    Explanation : will be only given after two bank

  4. the Government has expanded the meaning of black money to also includes the money on which taxes may not have been paid.
    1) to also includes money in
    2) with also including money at
    3) to also include money on
    4) for include also money on
    5) No correction required.
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 3)
    Explanation : to also include money on

  5. There are actually millions of honest, self respecting citizens who had stayed away with the tax net because they were allowed to.
    1) who have stayed away from
    2) who have been stayed away from
    3) who has stayeding away with
    4) whom have stayed away to
    5) No correction required.
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1) 
    Explanation : who have stayed away from

  6. They work on tiny margins and keep their money in cash because that’s the only way to meet daily expenses.
    1)  that is the only way of
    2)  that’s only way for
    3)  that’s only the way in
    4)  that’s the only way the
    5) No correction required.
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 5)
    Explanation : No correction required.
    Given sentence is correct.

  7. It’s silly to expect them to be hire accountants, keep records of every cup of tea or paratha sold and appoint auditors.
    1) It is silly of expect them to hire
    2) It’s silly to expect them to hire
    3) It is silly for expect them to hire
    4) It’s silly with expect them to hire
    5) No correction required.
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 2) 
    Explanation : It’s silly to expect them to hire

  8. Over 85 per cent Indians still transact in cash and have no reason to the ashamed for doing so.
    1) in cash and have no reason to be
    2) in cash and had no reason to be
    3) in cash and have no reasons to be
    4) in cash and have no reason to being
    5) No correction required.
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1)
    Explanation : in cash and have no reason to be

  9. The definition of black money keeps gaining elasticity just because we want to prove to ourselves that the black economy in India is as monstrous as we make it out to being in the our political rhetoric.
    1) as we make it out of be on ours
    2) as we make its out to be at our
    3) as we make it out to be in our
    4) as we made it out to be in ours
    5) No correction required.
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 3) 
    Explanation : as we make it out to be in our

  10. Stakeholders in school education believe that making Class X board exam optional has been leding to a fall in learning outcomes.
    1) has led to a fall in the learning
    2) has led to a fall on learning
    3) has led for a fall in learning
    4) has led to a fall in learning
    5) No correction required.
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4) 
    Explanation : has led to a fall in learning

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