Current Affairs APP

English Questions – Sentence Connectors 8

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Welcome to Online English Section with explanation in Affairs Here we are creating question sample in sentence connectors, which is BASED ON THE IBPS PO/CLERK/LIC AAO/RRB exams !!!

Directions(Q.1-10) In the question given below few sentences are given which grammatically correct and meaningful. Connect them by the word given above the statements in the best possible way without changing the intended meaning. Choose your answer accordingly from the options to form a correct, coherent sentence.

  1. Given this backdrop
    I. As long as Pakistan uses terror as a strategic tool, its relationship with India will be volatile.
    II. The current tension has also shown up in terms of repeated ceasefire violations.
    III. It is imperative that both armies scrupulously stick to the modus vivendi to prevent the situation from spinning out of control.
    IV. Tension between governments of India and Pakistan has escalated in the last few weeks.
    1. II – IV
    2. III – IV
    3. I – II
    4. I – III
    5. no connection possible
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4)
    As long as Pakistan uses terror as a strategic tool, its relationship with India will be volatile. Given this backdrop, it is imperative that both armies scrupulously stick to the modus vivendi to prevent the situation from spinning out of control.

  2. Ironically
    I. We continue to hold right-wing groups responsible for the death of a man who defied an empire as well as obscurantism within India.
    II. Detective novelists tell us that hapless people are murdered for mainly three reasons: greed, ambition and lust, not necessarily in that order.
    III. An individual called Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was not murdered, an entire perspective committed to ahimsa, toleration, and respect for other religious traditions was sought to be obliterated.
    IV. His killers failed, because Gandhi continues to live in our hearts, he inhabits our imaginations.
    1. II – III
    2. I – II
    3. III – IV
    4. I – IV
    5. no connection possible
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 3)
    An individual called Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was not murdered, an entire perspective committed to ahimsa, toleration, and respect for other religious traditions was sought to be obliterated. Ironically, his killers failed, because Gandhi continues to live in our hearts, he inhabits our imaginations.

  3. However
    I. Indian judges wield power like no others. For, which other judiciary can boast a free hand in crafting policy on an almost daily basis, setting up booze free zones, mandating theatrical standing for the national anthem and even controlling a circus called cricket.
    II. What truly sets apart India’s higher judiciary is the enviable freedom to select its very own: through that cosy cabal of a clique that we call the “collegium”.
    III. One might be forgiven for thinking that this volubility encodes a great deal of insightful judicial analysis.
    IV. If we are serious about judicial merit, we have to do better than this. Granted, the strength of judgment writing alone cannot be the sole criterion, and one has to also assess other attributes such as integrity, collegiality, work ethic, fairness, independence, etc.
    1. I – IV
    2. I – II
    3. II – III
    4. II -IV
    5. no connection possible
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 2)
    Indian judges wield power like no others. For, which other judiciary can boast a free hand in crafting policy on an almost daily basis, setting up booze free zones, mandating theatrical standing for the national anthem and even controlling a circus called cricket. However, what truly sets apart India’s higher judiciary is the enviable freedom to select its very own: through that cosy cabal of a clique that we call the “collegium”.

  4. Logically
    I. Arguably, inequality is not only a matter of statistics. It is a shattering reflection on the kind of society we live in.
    II. There is more to the proposition that some persons are poor beyond belief, and others are rich beyond belief in India.
    III. To be unequal is to be denied the opportunity to participate in social, economic, and cultural transactions from a plane of equality.
    IV. If the economic ordering of society is responsible for ill-being, it is obliged to remedy the wrongs that it has visited upon the heads of the poor.
    1. I – IV
    2. II – III
    3. I – II
    4. III – IV
    5. no connection possible
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1)
    Arguably, inequality is not only a matter of statistics. It is a shattering reflection on the kind of society we live in. Logically, if the economic ordering of society is responsible for ill-being, it is obliged to remedy the wrongs that it has visited upon the heads of the poor.

  5. Thus
    I. Guru Nanak happily accepted captivity so that he could use it as an opportunity to enlighten an emperor to set free all prisoners of war.
    II. Buddha once told a king that if he believed that sacrificing an animal will take him to heaven, then sacrificing a human being will perhaps help him even better.
    III. Buddha urged the king to spare the animals and accept him as a sacrifice.
    IV. When the enlightened ones have always spoken a language of love, harmony, kindness, peace and oneness, then why are we going in a completely opposite direction.
    1. II – IV
    2. I – III
    3. II – III
    4. I – IV
    5. no connection possible
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 3)
    Buddha once told a king that if he believed that sacrificing an animal will take him to heaven, then sacrificing a human being will perhaps help him even better. Thus, Buddha urged the king to spare the animals and accept him as a sacrifice.

  6. However
    I. Prophets, spiritual masters and seekers belonging to different time periods and following diverse traditions have spoken about receiving similar visions and feeling comparable bliss.
    II. There are those who think that their religion is better, deeper and closer to truth than others.
    III. Spirituality is not identical with religion, although some use the two terms interchangeably.
    IV. The ones closest to God always had a different story to tell.
    1. I – II
    2. II – IV
    3. III – IV
    4. II -III
    5. no connection possible
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 2)
    There are those who think that their religion is better, deeper and closer to truth than others. However, the ones closest to God always had a different story to tell.

  7. While
    I. Institutional alternatives to the collegium make no sense, unless one first works out an optimal metric for measuring merit.
    II. The latest move by the collegium marks a monumental milestone in our judicial history.
    III. It needs to be applauded with all the vigour we have, we also have to be mindful that this is only the beginning, and much more remains to be done.
    IV. In order to uphold constitutional values such as judicial independence, our judges were compelled to arrogate to themselves the power to pick their very own.
    1. II – III
    2. I – II
    3. III – IV
    4. I – IV
    5. no connection possible
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1)
    The latest move by the collegium marks a monumental milestone in our judicial history. While it needs to be applauded with all the vigour we have, we also have to be mindful that this is only the beginning, and much more remains to be done.

  8. Nevertheless
    I. The history of activism in India has shown us that some of the greatest activists have also been organic intellectuals.
    II. There is something more democratic and egalitarian about activism as compared to intellectualism, a feature which has often led to cynicism about intellectuals.
    III. Becoming an intellectual is a long process and is often dependent on access to education as well as resources of various kinds.
    IV. This invocation of the organic intellectual is itself a response to the specific privilege of being an intellectual.
    1. I – III
    2. II – IV
    3. III – IV
    4. I – IV
    5. no connection possible
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4)
    The history of activism in India has shown us that some of the greatest activists have also been organic intellectuals. Nevertheless, this invocation of the organic intellectual is itself a response to the specific privilege of being an intellectual.

  9. Yet
    I. The grandeur and magnificence of renunciation lies in growth to a higher dimension, and lower fascinations drop.
    II. It is giving up that which comes in the way of your success and happiness.
    III. We are all men and women of renunciation and one needs to dispose of that which is useless in order to get things that are more useful.
    IV. The very mention of renunciation puts people off.
    1. II – III
    2. I – II
    3. III – IV
    4. I -IV
    5. no connection possible
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 3)
    We are all men and women of renunciation and one needs to dispose of that which is useless in order to get things that are more useful. Yet, the very mention of renunciation puts people off.

  10. But
    I. Women’s empowerment is not an optional agenda; it is an urgent priority.
    II. Women’s participation in conflict resolution and peace building has been expanding since the adoption of Resolution 1325 by the UN Security Council in 2000.
    III. Awareness of the importance of including women’s perspectives in the process of meeting global challenges is not limited to peace and conflict resolution.
    IV. There is also emerging international recognition that women’s participation is key to effective climate action.
    1. I – II
    2. II – III
    3. III – IV
    4. I – IV
    5. no connection possible
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 2)
    Women’s participation in conflict resolution and peace building has been expanding since the adoption of Resolution 1325 by the UN Security Council in 2000. But awareness of the importance of including women’s perspectives in the process of meeting global challenges is not limited to peace and conflict resolution.

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