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English Questions: Fill in the Blanks Set 147 (New Pattern)

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Welcome to Online English Section with explanation in Here we are creating question sample in Fill in the blanks, which is BASED ON Bank EXAMS 2018 !!!

Directions (Q.1-10) Choose ONE word to be fitted in both the sentences I and II and another word that suits for sentence III.

  1. I. He glanced at his cousin and the young lady visitor; and they were both regarding him with a smile of _________.
    II. She looked for some sign of ________ from her parents, hoping her good grades would please them.
    III. The attorney came up with several far-fetched arguments in a vain attempt to ________ his weak case.
    1) indigenous, endemic
    2) athletic, brawny
    3) autochthonous, original
    4) approbation , buttress
    5) burly, sinewy
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4)
    Approbation – expression of warm approval
    Buttress – support physically; prop up; support something or someone by supplying evidence
    Nadir – lowest point

  2. I. He was interested in everything, and asked me a ______ questions about the place and its surroundings
    II. She was like a forest, like the dark interlacing of the oakwood, humming inaudibly with _______ unfolding buds.
    III. Although few people realized it, the Dow-Jones averages had reached their ________ and would soon begin an upward surge.
    1) myriad , nadir
    2) poignant, touching
    3) neglectful, remiss
    4) mingle, coalesce
    5) natural, unaffected
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1)
    Myriad- of very large or indefinite number
    Nadir – lowest point

  3. I. Existing arrangements contain ______ functions that can be neither seen nor replaced by the reformer.
    II. I addressed myself to one of the two warders, who, I suspected from certain __________ indications in their faces, knew pretty well what all this stir was worth.
    III. If we could identify these revolutionary movements in their _______ state, we would be able to eliminate serious trouble in later years.
    1) motley, varied
    2) title, appellation
    3) latent , nascent
    4) exigency, requisite
    5) virtuous, righteous
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 3)
    Latent – present or potential but not evident or active
    Nascent – incipient; coming into existence

  4. I. The storm was ­­­­­­­­­________: it changed course constantly.
    II. I had known, from the time when I could speak, that my sister, in her ________ and violent coercion, was unjust to me.
    III. Her siege of illness left her ________ and pallid.
    1) insult, affront
    2) remonstrate, expostulate
    3) prominent, outstanding
    4) capricious , languid
    5) disgusting, loathsome
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4)
    Capricious – fickle; impulsive and unpredictable
    Languid – lacking energy

  5. I. Many of the characters portrayed by Clint Eastwood are ________ types: strong men of few words.
    II. Van Helsing is _______; he tells the farmers that he is hurrying to Bistritz, and pays them well to make the exchange of horses.
    III. It is the result of the __________ of contrasting colors.
    1) laconic , juxtaposition
    2) adversary, antagonist
    3) chance, break
    4) mulish, dogged
    5) revolting, vile
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1)
    Laconic – brief; effectively cut short
    Juxtaposition – act of positioning close together

  6. I. If you go to beach and get a sunburn, your complexion will look ______.
    II. Their style is clear, masculine, and smooth, but not ______; for they avoid nothing more than multiplying unnecessary words, or using various expressions.
    III. The court will _______ him of the crime after the real criminal confesses.
    1) block, hindrance
    2) florid , exculpate
    3) illustrious, notable
    4) flagrant, atrocious
    5) overturn, subvert
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 2)
    Florid – reddish
    Exculpate – pronounce not guilty of criminal charges

  7. I. In her lengthy ________, the principal berated the offenders.
    II. The eyes of the neighbors were expectantly upon him as they settled themselves in easier positions for a long __________.
    III. I have always been friendly to Martha. Why is she so _____ to me?
    1) mollify, conciliate
    2) spoil, coddle
    3) resignation, forbearance
    4) appease, placate
    5) harangue , inimical
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 5)
    Harangue – noisy speech , speech or piece of writing with strong feeling or expression
    Inimical – unfriendly , hostile

  8. I. He stooped to the evil of hypocrisy with others, sceptical of their innocence which he could ___________so easily.
    II. Diane tried to ________her father into letting her drive the family car.
    III. Distrusting Huck from the start, Miss Watson assumed he was _________ and refused to believe a word he said.
    1) sporadic, intermittent
    2) cajole , mendacious
    3) reflective, meditative
    4) palpable, appreciable
    5) aspect, facet
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 2)
    Cajole – influence or urge by gentle urging or flattering
    Mendacious – lying , habitually dishonest

  9. I. The canoe was tossed about in the ________, it had to leave the dangerous water quickly.
    II. Paris is a/an _______ where everything is lost, and everything disappears in this belly of the world, as in the belly of the sea.
    III. Through one of the broken panes I heard the rain _______ upon the earth, the fine incessant needles of water playing in the sodden beds.
    1) occasional, fitful
    2) ample, copious
    3) maelstrom , impinge
    4) sympathy, condolence
    5) versifier, rhymer
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 3)
    Maelstrom – whirlpool; powerful circular current of water
    Impinge – infringe; advance beyond usual limit

  10. I. She was ________ and reserved, a nice modest girl whom any young man would be proud to take home to his mother.
    II. James Wilder, __________ and courtly, but with some trace of that wild terror of the night before still lurking in his furtive eyes and in his twitching features.
    III. Although his story is based on a/ an _________ of truth, most of the events he describes are fictitious.
    1) harmony, symmetry
    2) commend, extol
    3) impecunious, destitute
    4) discipline, castigate
    5) demure , modicum
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 5)
    Demure – modest and reserved in manner or behavior
    Modicum – limited quantity; small or moderate amount

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