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English Grammar : Adverb part – 1

Welcome to Online English in We are providing English Grammar Which is very Important Part of English Language, here we will discuss about Adjectives and its Usages, Which is very important for all Competitive Exams!!!

What are Adverbs?

An adverb is a word that tells us more about a verb. It “qualifies” or “modifies” a verb.Read the following sentences:

– Alice smiled sweetly.
– Those mangoes were very sweet.
– He spoke quite loudly.

In sentence 1, the adverb quickly shows how (or in what manner) Alice smiled. It modifies the verb smiled.

In sentence 2, the adverb very says something about the sweetness of the mangoes. It modifies the adjective sweet.

In sentence 3, quite says something about the manner in which he spoke. It modifies the adverb loudly.
Note that the adverbs that are standing at the beginning of sentences sometimes modify the whole sentence, rather than a particular word.

  • Unfortunately, no one was present there. ( It was unfortunate that no one was present there.)
  • Probably I am mistaken. ( It is probable that I am mistaken.)

Kinds of adverbs

There are very many kinds of adverbs

1. they are the adverbs which tell us when an action takes place.Examples are today, yesterday, before, daily, already, ago, never etc.

Rule : Time adverbs cannot be used in the present perfect, instead the past indefinite is used for them.
– I saw a 3D movie last night.
– I met him yesterday.

– His father died two years ago.
– I have seen him before.

2. Adverbs of frequency

They are the adverbs which tell us how often an action takes place. examples are , often, always, once, never, again, seldom, frequently etc.

– The Delhi Police is always with you .
They always come in time. 
– We seldom go out on Sundays.
– I have seen him only once.

3. Adverbs of place

They are the adverbs which tell us where an action takes place. Examples are: here, there, up, down, everywhere, out, in etc.

– He left his bag there.
– They looked everywhere.
– Please sit here.
– The car parked there.

4. Adverbs of manner

They are the adverbs which tell us how an action takes place or in what manner. Examples are: quickly, carefully, sweetly, clearly, bravely, beautifully, well, fast etc.

– Gautam Buddha left his family stealthily.
–  They helped us cheerfully.
– he speaks slowly.


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