Delhi will record world’s largest number of premature deaths due to air pollution

According to a team of scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz by 2025 around 32,000 people in Delhi will die inhaling polluted air. Kolkata is going to be 2nd such city while Mumbai being 3rd. Altogether these 3 cities top the list of most polluted cities that will be having premature deaths due to harmful particles like PM2.5 and O3 in the air.

  • UK had witnessed 15,500 people to die through air pollution – majority 7438 due to agriculture.


Delhi will record world's largest number of premature deaths due to air pollution


  • In 2010 75 % of premature mortality happened in Asia due to significant increase in pollution. This is due to major of the Asian countries are developing economies and give less attention to environment.
  • Almost three-quarters of the deaths are due to strokes and heart attacks while 27% was due to respiratory diseases and lung cancer.
  • Also due to the ammonia in agriculture as it passes through the excessive use of fertilizers and factory farming leading to air pollution.


  • In 2014 the World Health Organisation (WHO) named Delhi as the most polluted city in the world. According to a recent report the number of deaths due to air pollution in Delhi rose steeply between 1998 and 2002.In 2003 the rate declined, remained constant for a few years because in that year city authorities converted all of their public transport service buses from diesel to run on compressed natural gas and air pollution is now on the rise again.
  • Annually, 3.3 million people worldwide die prematurely from the effects of air pollution. This number will double by 2050 to 6.6 million if emissions continue to rise.

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